

Client: News Ireland / Health Service Executive


The diary of a quitter - If Gary can quit so can you!

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The Brief

News Ireland were selected in 2019 as one of the main media partners for the HSE’s Quit.ie campaign. They brief us as a production partner to capture the video diary of Gary Cooke as he began his journey to stopping smoking using the free tools available to him by Quit.ie.


The Response

After meeting with Gary, we developed a video diary narrative that would be funny, engaging and would be repeatable on a weekly basis. Getting the key point across, while tapping into the iconic Gary Cooke humour as he finally ditched the cigarettes would make this a relatable and honest series for all fellow quitters to follow.

The Outputs

For this project we produced 5 full video diaries in the 1:1 aspect ratio for social media and the News Ireland Digital channels. We also generated a variety of 5 second stings to help generate traffic to the series of videos.

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